Good things happen here


Food is medicine and is a source of comfort and connection.

This is what LOVE looks like. Gifting someone with healthy food is our LOVE language. By providing a gift of frozen ready-made meals to cancer patients, we hope to alleviate the burden of decision making, shopping, and preparing meals during a time when eating right may feel like the last thing on one’s mind, and may make all the difference in countering side effects, improving treatment outcomes and ultimately healing.

Eating well really matters! Food is fuel. Healing and nourishing. 

Large studies show that what you eat truly does impact cancer occurrence, recovery from treatments and reduce risk of recurrence. It is estimated that 40% of the cancer mortality rate could be improved by following recommended dietary guidelines, and that 85% of cancer patients are malnourished during their treatment phase. Now is the time to do a diet & lifestyle audit.

The Cancer Connection works with Blackbirds Deli, a healthy home-delivery meal service, in East London.

How it works

The Cancer Connection’s Fill-a-Freeza campaign is our most ambitious project planned. We can only achieve this once our charity has made enough funds to launch it.


Help us make our “coming soon” Come soon!

The Cancer Connection is a NEW charity.  We need help raising funds to get all our unique ideas off the ground. We are here to action a much-needed change in the world of cancer care. Pushing boundaries, starting the conversations & approaching the subject in a bold, new way. We are thinking OUTSIDE of the box while hoping YOU can help us put things INSIDE of the box

this service is available to those currently in active cancer treatment, or in the palliative phase of their journey

The Cancer Connection would make contact with the individual directly and gift them a voucher for Blackbirds Deli

the recipient would then choose meal items to the value of their voucher and place their order with Blackbirds Deli

a delivery date will be planned

and LOVE will be delivered!

We recommend discussing a diet plan with your medical team, as well as using the service of a qualified dietician, nutritionist or health coach

While each individual is unique, and so is their cancer, here are some of the healthy eating basics:

Limit red meat, and choose organically reared and grass-fed sources

Cut out highly processed packaged foods, refined carbs, sugar, alcohol and processed meat products

Increase plant-based wholefoods such as fruit & vegetables, nuts & seeds, grains & beans

“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected.’
T. Collin Campbell