Good things happen here

Shared knowledge, advise + suggestions

The Cancer Connection’s series of Top Tips, created by us, is free for you to access, download & print in a PDF format.

We believe that knowledge is even more powerful when shared. Please print off and share with your loved ones and those going through a hard battle.

We have put in the work to spread the love with the hope of alleviating stress and research time for those seeking information to empower themselves.

The Cancer Connection owns the intellectual rights to this work and requests that this series, and all resources and information on our website, is not to be used for profitable gain by any other entity.

Disclaimer: While this series of Top Tips is anecdotal, with advise shared from a selection of cancer warriors’ personal experiences, it is not intended to replace the professional expertise of your medical team. Please consult with your doctors before making changes to your care plan or lifestyle.

What your Dr might not say when you are diagnosed

When someone you know has cancer

Suggestions for Gift Ideas

Top Tips for Chemotherapy

Suggestions for radiation

Top Tips for Surgery