Your kindness matters….
You have the ability to directly impact a life in a powerfully positive way.
Help us make good things happen HERE
Care Packs
Support Groups
Healing Network
It all started with one question:
What does a Cancer patient need to lighten the load during their journey?
This question planted the seed and inspired a group of cancer warriors to make a difference and create an NPO, The Cancer Connection.
The Cancer Connection has set about tackling real life issues relating to a person’s cancer journey, from diagnosis to survivorship, with projects & programs unique to our cause.
We have highlighted the gaps in our own journeys that could be improved upon and hope to ease the burdens of those who come after us.
* What ways can we facilitate better support systems within our community? * How can we ease treatment side effects naturally?
* What happens when conventional treatments are not an option? * Where do we find guidance to integrative & holistic healing?
* Why are teens not treated separately to adults & children? * Why is there so little focus and preventative awareness on cancer recurrence?
At the core of our identity, and a component that sets us apart from other charitable organisations, is the encouragement for individuals to be their own health advocates and to confidently add their questions to this conversation.
While the Medical treatments of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are commonly known components to this journey, we feel the emotional and holistic aspects are often over-looked. Integrative approaches combine conventional care, self-care and complementary care – with the end goal of all round optimal health and healing.

What sets The Cancer Connection apart from other cancer charities?
We have an integrative & holistic focus
We promote healthy nutrition & lifestyle changes
Our care packages have carefully chosen natural products to ease treatment side-effects
We offer an online cancer resource & directory service
We have support groups for men & women
We support other cancer charities
We shine a light on teen cancer
We encourage cancer warriors to actively take part in their own health journey
We acknowledge a cancer journey never ends, and support this healing process
We offer free online wellness workshops

Support Groups
Seperate groups for men & women diagnosed with Cancer, either going through treatment or as a survivor.
Created to offer a safe space to share experiences and advise, and most importantly, to support each other.

Healing Toolkit
We give you, the caregiver or cancer warrior, the tools to navigate this journey with a focus on optimal mind, body & soul healing. Our Healing Toolkit features FREE access to motivational videos from some of our favourite health professionals and we host monthly wellness workshops.
Knowledge is power – head to our Resources & Directory pages for further ‘tools’ of information

Healthy eating gets side-lined in the wake of shock, trauma, ill-health and loss. Together with sponsorships, donations and local businesses we bless Cancer patients who are currently in active treatment programs with frozen home-cooked meals.

Cancer Treatment Care Packs
We put together bags of thoughtful essential items for men, women and children. These items are all natural and are carefully chosen to ease the side effect discomforts of these life-changing treatments.
These seemingly small gestures may not change the world, but they mean the world to someone fighting their hardest battles.
Help us make good things happen HERE
Up to 85% of Cancer patients can experience malnutrition during their treatments
“Cancer does not discriminate. It knows no nationality, no creed, no gender, no age.”
John Kanzius
“I can honestly say that this group has been such a game-changer in my life. It has opened my mind, it’s motivated me and it’s all about my nutrition. Today made me realise that I can do this. Everyone who shared their experiences really inspired me. Thank you for opening that door for me.”
(Support Group Member)
Need some direction?

The JJ Bear is a special gift, in honour & memory of a special boy.
He stands for love, hope and compassion.
Bless someone you care about with this unique present, or donate a JJ Bear to a child in Oncology.

Our easy to use guide includes all the details for South African-based cancer charities, as well as links to blogs and websites that we recommend for anyone on a cancer journey

we know that a cancer diagnosis is daunting and overwhelming, so we have spent the time sourcing services, products and practitioners that could save you time researching alternative and complimentary options
Let’s make March a Teen Cancer Awareness Month
wear your heart (and support) for all to see
Teenagers with cancer slip through the cracks of medical care in South Africa, with most hospitals having limited space or no specifically designated areas for this age group.
Patients from 12 years old can be expected to be treated in the adult oncology wards with limited parental access and social care support.
The Cancer Connection wishes to shine the light on these ‘forgotten’ warriors who have their own set of unique requirements different to those of childhood and adult cancer patients. Coupled with the already complex dynamics of the teen years, a life-threatening illness has the potential to severely impact their journey with feelings of isolation, depression and fear, at a time when they should be having completely different life experiences.

Help us advocate for teen cancer awareness – early detection saves lives!
See Love in Action
Help us grow these numbers

frozen meals delivered
care packs delivered
Support Team Meetings
We know that navigating a cancer journey is overwhelming and we want to lighten your load.
We have gathered suggestions and advise from our fellow cancer warriors and put them into a printable format featuring various subjects SUCH AS….

when someone you know has cancer

suggestions for gift ideas